What should I wear for the session?

Welcome to the question I get asked the most beside my price. Haha. Don't worry. I'm as committed to make sure you look great in your clothes as I am committed to get a great image of you. Not to mention that your clothes will direct effect the image, too. :) I promise, with a little guidance, you won't need to feel stressed about clothing anymore. So without further a due, let's drive right in to our five clothing tips for a perfect photo session.


  1. Start with a palette of 3-4 colors. Allow that to be to starting point. Think in the sense of tones: earth tone, pastel, blue tone. Everyone won't wear the same color but will wear something that will complement each other.
  2. Find complementing colors. Use the color wheel needed. The color on the opposite side of the wheel is what complements each other.
  3. Muted colors could save the day. If you don't know what to wear, muted tones are always a good default. Colors like gray, cream, white will go well with almost everything. You can use texture to help add elements to the muted colors.


  1. No Logos and No Big Words. This will draw the attention away from the main characters, your family, and make people focus on the logo or words. You can do it if you want to intentionally communicate something.
  2. Small is better. When you choose patterns, go with something that is more simple and smaller. And it's better to put pattern on kids rather than adults.
  3. Some is enough. When you choose patterns, don't put it on everyone. You can start with the pattern clothes and then layer everyone else. This way, the pattern won't overwhelm the whole image but bring enough elements to it.


  1. Start with the finest piece. There is always that one piece you want in the picture. It could be the fancy one. Start there. Use the colors and elements on that to expand to the others.
  2. Don't match. Coordinate. This way, it brings diversity but still display unity. Also think of your shoes and accessories. They will help add highlights to the image.
  3. A pop color. This is add so much joy and energy to the photo. Not everyone needs to wear the pop color, but put it on a child or the mom. It will bring more life to the image.


  1. Represent you. Your style has to represent you. I understand there are times you want to "try new things". But mostly, you have to make sure it is display who you are as a family. You have to be comfortable and confident wear it.
  2. Fit the location. Take where you are taking the pictures into consideration. You probably won't wear the same clothes when you are shooting in the forest, at the beach, or in downtown New York.
  3. Same store. Same brand. It is always easier to create the same style if you are choosing from the same store or same brand. They did most of the work for you already. You just need to make sure you look good in the clothes.


  1. Special Memories / Traditions. What are somethings that represents your family? A family tradition? A unique memory? Bring something that can help display that in the picture.
  2. Fun Highlight Element. Even if the prop doesn't mean anything, it could still be fun. Having something like a red balloon, a monster leaf, specific hats can all be interesting elements to add to the shoot.
  3. Represent!! Are you die hard fan of a sports team? Do you need to show your loyalty to a band? Merchandise of a specific group could be a fun thing to bring.

be yourself. be comfortable. be confident.

If you keep these three things, you will look great! And then you can leave the rest to me.